

Network and infrastructure penetration testing is a proven way to identify weaknesses in computer networks and infrastructure. Is your computer network secure?.

About AsOur Work

What Is the Difference Between Vulnerability Scans and Pen Tests?

Vulnerability scanners are automated tools that examine an environment, and upon completion, create a report of the vulnerabilities uncovered. These scanners often list these vulnerabilities using CVE identifiers that provide information on known weaknesses. Scanners can uncover thousands of vulnerabilities, so there may be enough severe vulnerabilities that further prioritization is needed. Additionally, these scores do not account for the circumstances of each individual IT environment. This is where penetration tests come in.

While vulnerability scans provide a valuable picture of what potential security weaknesses are present, penetration tests can add additional context by seeing if the vulnerabilities could be leveraged to gain access within your environment. Pen tests can also help prioritize remediation plans based on what poses the most risk..

What we offer

Think Offensively to Secure Defenses

Our export team member’s use a combination of automated and manual techniques to identify any security flaws. Our testing simulates the efforts of a real hacker and what they can do to access confidential data through vulnerabilities in computer networks.

Security cleared penetration testing experts that can conduct an independent assessment of your critical applications and infrastructure (To ensure you are protecting your critical assets appropriately).

We ensure you understand what is required, through detailed remediation guidance to ensure you achieve the appropriate assurance required.

Key to commencing any testing we complete a Scoping exercise, which ensures you are provided with the appropriate testing methodology, prior to agreeing any services. This method ensures you get the right level of testing and a cost effective approach.

How Often Should You Pen Test?

Penetration testing should be performed on a regular basis to ensure more consistent IT and network security management. A pen-tester will reveal how newly discovered threats or emerging vulnerabilities may potentially be assailed by attackers. In addition to regularly scheduled analysis and assessments required by regulatory mandates, tests should also be run whenever:

Network infrastructure or applications are added

Security patches are applied

Upgrades to infrastructure or applications are done

End user policies are modified

New office locations are established

What Are the Different Types of Pen Testing?

While it’s tempting to just request that at tester “test everything,” this would most likely lead to pen testers only scratching the surface of a number of vulnerabilities, sacrificing gathering valuable intelligence gained by going more in-depth in fewer areas, with clear objectives in mind. In order to make sure pen tests can achieve these objectives and pinpoint weaknesses, there are various different types of pen tests that focus on different areas of an IT infrastructure, including:

Web application penetration

Web application penetration tests examine the overall security and potential risks of web applications, including coding errors, broken authentication or authorization, and injection vulnerabilities.

Infrastructure Penetration

Network penetration testing aims to prevent malicious acts by finding weaknesses before the attackers do. Pen testers focus on network security testing by exploiting and uncovering vulnerabilities on different types of networks, associated devices like routers and switches, and network hosts. They aim to exploit flaws in these areas, like weak passwords or misconfigured assets, in order to gain access to critical systems or data.

Wireless security

Wireless security under the 802.11 standard is inherently insecure. We can help your organsiation assess the security posture of your Wireless infrastructure and supporting procedures. We’ll conduct testing, identify security issues and assess the reliability of your wireless network infrastructure.

  • This can include specific types of tests or a combination of testing such as •
  • Wireless Man-in-the Middle Attack Testing
  • Wireless Distributed Denial of Service DDoS Attack Testing
  • Bluetooth Attack Testing
  • Wireless Authentication & Encryption Attack Testing
  • Wireless Configuration Tests

This testing is primarily conducted on client premises and can be performed at any time to suite client requirements. At the end of the testing you will also receive detailed remediation guidance, providing you with a roadmap to improving your wireless security.

Social Engineering

Social engineering is a breach tactic, which involves using deception in order to gain access or information that will be used for malicious purposes. The most common example of this is seen in phishing scams. Pen testers use phishing tools and emails tailored to an organization to test defense mechanisms, detection and reaction capabilities, finding susceptible employees and security measures that need improvement.

— Think Offensively to Secure Defenses —